Flexible working is a way of working that suits an employee's needs, for example having flexible start and finish times, or working from home.
Flexible working is NOT an employer making regular extra demands and labelling these as flexible working. The legal definition makes no reference to the needs of the employer - it is about the employees' needs.
Examples of traditional flexible working offers include
Job sharing
Staggered hours
Working from home and hybrid working
Compressed hours
Part time hours
Phased return or retirement
Annualised hours
In real life, we know that a lot of work in the nfp and public sectors demands flexibility. But far too often, there seems to be an unwritten expectation that employee flexibility is implicit and employer flexibility is optional
Flexible working bends in two (or more) directions from a central point
Work that only bends in the employer's direction isn't flexible, it's just bent!
How flexible is the flexible working your organisation offers?
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